Bentley: Vested Interest #1 Page 3
She smiled, tracing the edge of one of her books. “I make school a priority. I love learning and my courses, so I do show up for those on time.”
“So you can be structured, you simply don’t choose to be.”
“I suppose.” She wrinkled her nose at me. “Can you be spontaneous?”
“Of course I can.”
“Name the last spontaneous thing you did.”
I sat back with a smirk. “I dumped my bodyguard and came here, hoping to have coffee with you.”
“So, he doesn’t know you’re here?”
She indicated to the right with a jerk of her head. “I wouldn’t be certain of that statement.”
I turned and looked in the direction she had glanced. Aiden sat at a table near the front, glaring at me. I turned back, slouching.
“Are you in trouble?”
“It would appear that way.”
She lowered her voice, becoming almost breathy. “And you did it to come see me?”
I shrugged, unable to explain my strange behavior. “I have no idea. I liked talking to you yesterday.”
“I wasn’t very nice.”
“I liked your directness. You made me laugh. Very little makes me laugh.”
Her breath hitched. “That’s so sad.”
Before I could respond, her eyes grew large. “Uh-oh. He’s coming over.”
Aiden appeared at the table, crossing his arms. It always seemed to double his size, making his already tremendous bulk seem enormous.
Emmy looked up at him with a bright expression. “Hey, Mr. Bodyguard!”
He glared at her, then at me. However, she refused to be ignored and tugged on his sleeve.
“Hey, Tree Trunk. We’re talking, and frankly, you’re interrupting. Maybe you could, I don’t know, go back to your table?” She smiled at him, broad and mischievous. “I could give you my driver’s license and you could run a background check on me. Make sure I’m not a danger to your boss or anything. It would help pass the time for you.”
I tried to hide my amusement at her brashness. Aiden narrowed his eyes and looked shocked when she thrust out her hand. “I can’t believe I have to do this, two days in a row. Hi, I’m Emmy.”
For an instant, I was certain he would refuse to react. Then he loosened his shoulders and accepted her gesture, engulfing her small hand within his. “Hey, Emmy. Sorry to interrupt. I only need one moment with Bentley and I’ll be out of your hair.”
She gazed up at him. “Wow. You have incredible eyes.”
He was taken back. “Ah, thanks.”
“Are you going to give him shit?”
“Um . . . yeah.”
“Okay, then.” She waved her hand. “Have at.”
He winked at her. “For a little thing, you got balls.”
“Big cojones,” she informed him.
He chuckled. “Good to know.”
He turned to me, his humor disappearing. He leaned forward, his hand resting on the table, and his voice low. “We are going to talk about this later. But for now, I’ve sent Frank back to the house, and I will be over there”—he pointed to the table at the front—“and will go with you to Greg’s. Next we’ll do whatever else you need to do and head to the office. Then we are going to have a chat, am I clear?”
I knew when to push Aiden and when not to. I nodded. “Clear.”
He straightened. “Good. Nice to meet you Emmy. Your scones are wicked, too. Bent raved about them yesterday.”
He held out his hand. “I’ll take your driver’s license, though.”
“No!” I snarled. “Leave her alone, Aiden.”
“She offered.”
“She was teasing you. Leave.”
Emmy scribbled something on a piece of paper, handing it to Aiden. “Will that suffice?”
He shoved it into his pocket and nodded. “For now.”
He sauntered away, sitting back at his table.
“What did you give him?”
“My name, address, and date of birth. He can work for the rest.”
“You didn’t have to do that, Emmy,” I assured her, pushing aside the memories of his remarks yesterday about vetting her.
“It’s fine. He takes his job seriously.”
I cleared my throat. “Sorry about that.”
“He cares about you.”
“Yeah, he is a good friend and I’d be lost with him.”
“Yet, you came here alone?”
“I wanted to see you and I thought he might make you uncomfortable.”
I wasn’t sure how to tell her the actual truth. I wanted to spend a little time with her, alone, as me. Bentley the man. Not the person who needed protecting. Just me.
“It’s fine, Rigid. I’m good with it.”
I met her gaze, her eyes bright in the light. They were warm, intelligent, gentle, and so dark they looked like the richest of espresso you would sip in the early morning hours; the kind that brought you to life.
That was strangely how I felt when I sat across from her. I made yet another spontaneous decision.
“I’m going to take you out.”
“I’m sorry?”
“On a date. Friday evening.”
“And what may I ask, would this date consist of?”
“Well, the usual, I suppose. Dinner. Drinks. That sort of thing.”
She laughed softly, shaking her head, the light catching the blonde glints of her hair woven into the thick braid. “I see. Like a date, date.”
“Yes. Eight o’clock.”
“Pardon me?”
“I said no.”
“Why?” I scowled. “I thought you said the age difference was fine.”
“It has nothing to do with the age difference,” she stated patiently.
“Aiden won’t intrude.”
“That doesn’t bother me, either.”
“What then?”
“If you want to ask me out on a date, I suggest you do so.”
“I thought I had?”
“No, actually, you informed me you were going to take me out. You never in fact asked me.”
I blinked at her, unsure how to respond, and cleared my throat. “I beg your pardon.” I leaned across the table, all teasing gone. “Would you accompany me out for dinner on Friday?”
She pursed her lips. “I’m not sure I can.”
“Do you have plans?”
“Are you married? Seeing someone?”
“You don’t like me? You find me repugnant?”
Her lips twitched. “Far from it.”
I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. I was certain I’d never worked that hard for a date. “What then could possibly stop you from going out with me?”
Her bravado fell away, and for the first time, I saw a glimpse of her vulnerability. She looked uncertain, her fingers clutching on the lapels of my jacket, twisting the material nervously. She crouched forward, her voice soft.
“I don’t think I have anything I could wear that would be appropriate.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Look at you, Bentley. Your suit probably cost more than my rent for an entire year. I don’t have a dress suitable to go out with you.” She hesitated, casting her gaze downward. “I wouldn’t want to embarrass you.”
An emotion I had never experienced swept through my chest. Tenderness dripped into my heart at her pained confession. Hearing her say my name made me beam.
Her eyes remained locked on the table, her color high.
“Look at me, please.”
She met my gaze, and I hated the look of uncertainty I could see there.
“Understand something. I don’t care what you wear. You can wear exactly what you have on now, and I would be proud to be seen with you. That bein
g said, I am open to going somewhere less . . . fancy . . . than I’m used to. I know a couple small places I like because the food is good, and the atmosphere friendly. I won’t even wear one of my suits. How about that? A casual dinner out.” I sucked in a deep breath. “Would you have dinner with me Friday, Emmy?”
She beamed, her eyes glowing. “Yes, I would love to.”
“Excellent.” I handed her my phone. “Perhaps I could have your number to call and arrange it with you?”
“No more morning visits?”
I shook my head as she added herself to my contacts and took my information so she had my number. “I wish, but no. I have early morning meetings scheduled the rest of the week. I will have to survive without your company or scones for the next couple mornings.”
She stood, handing me back my phone, and slipped my jacket from her shoulders. I slid it on, trying not to notice the fact it now smelled like her. Soft, summery, light. I smiled at her and moved closer. “Just so we are clear? You look lovely—although, I’m wondering who the shirt belongs to.”
She glanced down, fingering the worn cotton. “I have no idea,” she quipped. “They come and go at my place, leaving their clothes all the time.”
My eyebrows shot up, and she giggled. “Relax, Rigid. I got it at Goodwill. I have a tie I usually wear with it, but I couldn’t find it. I wore it anyway, even though it doesn’t feel complete.”
“Laundry day?” I guessed.
She nodded. “Tonight, I hope.”
She allowed me to carry her rucksacks to the front. Again, I wondered why she carried two of them. She disappeared behind the counter for a minute, and I waited patiently for her to join me outside. Aiden was leaning on his car, watching us intently, and I turned, blocking his view. I handed her the heavy bags. “May I offer you a lift to school?”
“No, I like to walk.” She held up a small bag. “I got you a couple extra scones to see you through the mornings before your meetings. If you warm them in the microwave, they’ll be good.”
I took the bag, touched. “Thank you. I will enjoy them.”
We stood regarding each other. Unable to help myself, I ran the back of my hand down her cheek. “I hope the rest of your week goes well.”
“I’m sure it will. I have something to look forward to now.”
She stepped back, and began to turn away.
She spun around. “Yes?”
I shoved the small bag containing the scones into her hands, and loosened my tie, yanking it over my head. Before she could react, I tugged it down her neck, lifted her heavy braid, and slipped it under the collar. I slid the knot up loosely. I wanted to give her something, and my tie was the only thing I could think of right then.
“Because, you know, the outfit isn’t complete without a tie,” I offered with a grin. I felt an odd thrill at the sight of my tie against her neck, the brilliant blue blazing against her shirt.
She glanced down, her grin bright. “It does. Especially this tie.” She leaned up on her toes, kissing my cheek. “Thank you,” she breathed out, and pushed the bag back into my hands. She stepped back, her face aglow.
“Have a good day, Rigid.”
I had no idea what that girl was doing to me, or how she made me feel lighter, happier than I had in a long time.
Still, she did.
I raised my hand in a wave.
“You too, Freddy.”
Chapter 4
Aiden didn’t say a word as we crossed the street. I knew he was behind me, but I didn’t acknowledge him. He was silent in the elevator, and aside from a nod to Greg remained that way as I went through the documents, making sure the wording was what I wanted. I signed and handed them back to Greg.
“I want to meet next week about my bid.”
“I assumed as much. Wednesday?”
I glanced through my schedule, and before I replied, added Emmy to Friday’s schedule. Simply seeing the words on my phone made me happy.
“Something funny?”
I glanced up. “No. Simply adding something before I forget.” As if I could possibly forget. “Wednesday is good.”
He tapped away at his computer. “Okay. See you next week. I’ll come to the office?”
“No, I’ll come here.”
He regarded me curiously. “That’s twice you’ve come to me. What’s going on with you? We usually meet in your office.”
I shrugged. “Trying to be accommodating.”
He threw back his head, laughing loud. “Good one. Now, really. What’s going on?”
Ignoring him, I stood, smoothing down my jacket, remembering the way Emmy’s hands had held the lapels. “I’ll see you next week.”
His amusement followed me out of the office. Aiden rose, following me to the elevator, still not speaking.
“Just spit it out,” I snapped.
“Oh, feeling a little testy you’re being ignored? Imagine that.”
I started to speak and he held up his hand. “We’ll talk when we get to the office.”
“You’re being—”
He pushed forward, glaring down at me. I was tall, standing at 6’3”, but Aiden had a good four inches on me. He was tense and angry and I was certain he had expanded. His chest seemed larger; his bulging arms gigantic, as he stared.
“I said the office.”
I nodded. When we got to the car, I busied myself on my phone. Unable to resist, I texted Emmy.
Have a good day, Emmy. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday evening. When you have a moment, please send me your home address.
She responded instantly.
So formal, even in texts. You already have my address. I live over the coffee shop. Apt B. Use the back stairs to come up. I look forward to seeing you, as well, Mr. R.
She lived over the coffee shop?
I thought about the building that housed the coffee shop, and apparently, her home. It was two-storied, old, the brick crumbling in places. Located close enough to the school she could walk there daily, but it was in a busy business neighborhood and right on a main street. Hardly the place in which a person could study quietly.
As I grimaced over the information, my phone pinged.
Are you in trouble with Tree Trunk?
I glanced toward Aiden, who was concentrating on the morning traffic ahead of us. From the scowl on his face, I knew it wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation.
Yes, I am.
Her next text made me grin.
Want me to rescue you? I could break you out. He wouldn’t know. I’m a seasoned Ninja.
My lips twitched as I tried not to laugh.
No, I will take my punishment. It will be worth it having been able to spend some more time with you.
Her reply was short.
La, you are a charmer.
We pulled into the garage.
La? Now who’s old-fashioned?
Simply using words I thought you’d be familiar with. That was one of my Nana’s favorites. You’re still a charmer.
I’m pleased you think so. Have a good day, Freddy.
Stay strong, Rigid.
She followed it up with one of those little faces people used with text. I had no idea how to add one. I hated texting and the way people bastardized the English language, so I always kept mine simple and short. For some reason, I wanted to send her something to make her laugh, but it wasn’t the time to ask Aiden for texting advice. I was certain the two words he would reply with wouldn’t be “for sure.”
The office hummed as we strode through the hallway. I stopped by Sandy’s desk, Aiden brushing past me without a word. Sandy had been with me since my university days. She was an older woman, refused to take shit from any of us, especially me, and kept the place running. Her gleaming white hair was swept into an old-fashioned chignon, and her hazel eyes, wise. She was tall and imposing, although below the no nonsense exterior, was the heart of a warm woman. I’d be lost without her.
/> She arched her eyebrows. “Someone is in a mood.”
“What did you do?”
“What makes you think it was something I did?”
“He only gets like that when you’ve done something.”
I took the small stack of messages and papers she had for me. “I may have given him the slip this morning.”
Her opinion was clear from the way she spoke my name.
“I will apologize.”
“You hired him to do a job. Let him do it.”
She was right.
“Maddox was looking for you two, as well.”
“Okay, let him know I’m in and you can buzz him when I’m done with Aiden.” I paused. “Or when he is done with me, I suppose.”
“All right.”
“Bring us coffee in about ten minutes, please. If you hear screaming, ignore it.”
She sniffed. “I intend to.”
Rolling my eyes, I walked into my office. Aiden was staring out the window, the set of his shoulders tense, his expression serious. I placed the papers I was carrying on my desk, and studied him briefly. He seemed to get more massive as the years went on.
We both showed up to apply as a roommate in a house close to the university campus. I had thought I would try dorm living, but realized fast I hated it, so I began looking for off-campus housing. Once I met the person who placed the ad, and saw the house, I knew I was no longer interested in living there and I left. Hurried footsteps behind me made me turn and a huge guy grinned at me.
“Dodged a bullet there, eh?”
I grimaced. “I’m trying to get away from the party atmosphere of the dorms, not live it 24/7.” I indicated the house with a tilt of my head. “I have a feeling it will be party central, daily.”
“No shit.” He stuck out his large hand. “Aiden Callaghan.”
I shook his hand firmly, hoping he didn’t crush mine. “Win–I mean Bentley Ridge.”
He raised one eyebrow, but didn’t comment.
“So, I assume you’re still looking for a place?”
“I am.”
He grinned. “Why don’t we look together?”
“I’m pretty private.”
“No worries. I’m not looking for a party place either. I need a quiet place to study and a room to put my equipment.”