Maddox ~ Melanie Moreland Read online

Page 4

  She shivered, spreading her arms wide and lifting her ass. Slowly, I peeled her leggings down, smirking at the lace stretched over her ass. Red. Sexy.

  In the way.

  Hooking my fingers around the sides, I tugged. “I hope these are disposable.”

  She groaned. “I just bought them.”

  “For me?” I tugged again, feeling the elastic begin to tear. I already knew the answer. She bought them, I ripped them, then she bought more. I had given her a credit card to use, with the silent agreement that was why I was giving it to her. I liked to rip lingerie off her body. It was like a gift on Christmas morning I couldn’t wait to unwrap. And she was the best gift of them all.

  “Yes,” she whimpered. “For you.”

  The sound of the material surrendering made me smile, and my dick got harder. I ground my hips into her, hissing as she pushed back, her tight ass rubbing against me in the best possible way. I covered her with my torso, pressing her into the glass. Entwining our fingers, I stretched her arms over her head.

  “Grab the edge of the desk, Deirdre. Don’t let go. Don’t move. Do you understand?”

  Her response was a low moan and her fingers tightening around the edge.

  I kissed my way down her neck, biting at the sweet juncture where it met her shoulder. I pulled the skin between my teeth, knowing it would leave a mark only she would see. I slid my hands under her, cupping her full breasts as I licked, kissed, and nipped across and down her back, tracing the delicate ridges of her spine with my tongue. I pinched her tight nipples, making her groan. I eased back, dragging my hands around to her ass, cupping the cheeks and biting them hard. She twitched, one hand smacking the desk.

  “Oh, baby. You moved.” I feigned disappointment. Leaning over her, I curled her hand around the glass. “Now I have to start all over.”

  And I did—taking my time, playing with her, knowing how ready she was for me.

  I wasn’t ready to give it to her, not yet. I wanted to play with her a little more. I loved her reactions, and I wanted her begging me.

  Her legs were trembling when I finally returned to her ass, my teeth nipping at the smooth flesh. I paid extra attention to her breasts, knowing how much she loved it when I manipulated the nipples, making them sensitive and stiff. The cold glass added to the sensations I evoked. She whimpered, but her hands stayed locked on the desk.

  “Good girl,” I praised, sliding my hand between her legs. She was beyond ready for me.

  Hot, wet silk met my touch. My fingers glided over her cleft, stroking her clit. She gasped, widening her stance, begging in silence for my touch.

  “I need to hear you tonight, Deirdre. I need you to tell me what you want.”

  “Play with my clit, Maddox. Please.”

  “Do you want my fingers or my mouth?”


  I ran my finger up her slit, teasing her tight back entrance. “What if I want something else?”

  “Whatever you want. Maddox, please, I need you.”

  “You need me?”

  Her body shuddered as I touched her again. I strummed her clit with my thumb and slipped two fingers inside her, stroking, curling them to find the spot that made her cry out.

  “Yes!” She gasped, pushing against my hand. “Take me. Fuck me, Maddox. Lose yourself inside me. Please.”

  I reached into the drawer for a condom, my need for her at the forefront. Grabbing one of her knees, I bent it up to the desk, opening her wide for me. I gripped her hips and sank in deep, causing us both to shout. Bending over her, I began to move. Long, deep thrusts that pushed her into the desk. She gripped the edge to hold on, groaning my name. I wrapped my arm around her waist, lifting her as I kept driving into her heat. She moved with me, arching to meet my movements, gasping my name. I slid my hand to her neck, threading my fingers into the silk of her hair and twisting her head to meet my mouth as I hovered over her. She flung her arm around my neck, holding me tight. Our lips moved, teeth clashed, and tongues dueled in a heated dance. Her breathing was ragged, her moans low and pleading.

  “More, Maddox. Make me forget everything but you.”

  I gripped her hard, lifted her from the desk, and sat on my chair. She cried out at the depth I had my cock buried into her, but I kept going.



  Driving into her.

  She flung her head back on my shoulder, and my mouth covered hers, kissing her as fiercely as I fucked her. She used the arms of my chair to lift and bend with my thrusts. The sounds of our sweat-soaked skin sliding and thudding against each other filled the room. My chair creaked and shook, and I didn’t care if it ended up in splinters on the floor. I couldn’t stop. Her gasps and my groans echoed off the walls. Everything became magnified.

  Everything narrowed down to her.

  To us.

  I glided my finger over her hard clit, strumming it as she pleaded for more. I pressed harder, moving it faster, giving her what she wanted, what she needed, because I needed it too. Her body tightened and she came, screaming my name in ecstasy. Her muscles contracted around my cock, tightening and setting off my own orgasm. I pulled her down hard, stilling and cursing as I spilled inside her, the pleasure greater than I had ever known.

  Gradually, our movements ceased. She collapsed on my lap, becoming limp, her breathing ragged and her body bowed in exhaustion. Her head flopped onto my shoulder again, her hair a wild mess around her face. I pushed away the strands and buried my face into her neck, breathing her in deep. She smelled of the soft citrus perfume she wore, of sex, and of me.

  I liked the combination.

  Still buried inside her, I lifted my head and stroked her cheek.

  “Open your eyes, Deirdre.”

  Blinking, exhausted, sated green met my light blue. “Okay, baby?”

  “Wow,” she breathed out.

  “Was I too rough?” I raised her wrist to my mouth, kissing the soft skin. I forgot sometimes how fragile she was—I lost myself with her, with the moment.

  “No, you were exactly what I needed.”

  “I think we both needed it.”

  “You always have condoms in your desk?”

  I smirked, kissing the end of her nose. “I put them in there the other day. I must have known you’d be dropping by.”

  She sighed, the sound low. “I like how controlling you are.”

  I brushed her hair away, tucking it behind her ear. “I like how you let me control you.”

  She nestled closer, surprising me. Usually once we had sex, she was gone. I wrapped my arm around her waist, holding her close and enjoying the unusual after-sex time with her. Her breath was warm on my skin as I slipped from her. I reached between us and removed the condom.

  “I think-I think I need it. I need that from you, Maddox.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I have to be in control all the time,” she confessed. She shivered, and I grabbed her sweatshirt, draping it over her body. I was afraid if I moved, she would stop talking.

  “When I’m with you, you take over. I don’t have to think. Only feel.” She sighed again. “I so rarely get to feel.”

  “I like making you feel.” I flexed my hips, feeling myself begin to harden beneath her. “I like when you lose yourself with me.” I slipped my hand under her chin, bringing her to my mouth. “I like being with you.”

  “Me too.”

  She tightened around me as I slid through her wetness, making me groan.

  “Are you sore?”

  “A bit.”

  I lifted my hips, making her whimper. “I can be gentle.” I guided my hand between her legs, teasing her. “We can take it slow and easy.” I kissed her mouth, dipping my tongue inside her sweetness, tapping her clit with my finger. “One more time, Deirdre, for me.”

  “Slow,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, baby,” I promised, reaching into my desk for another condom. “Slow.”


ED THE boardroom and placed a file on the table. “The Gavin Group sent this over. They arrive next week and will be here for three days. They refused the company suite. They prefer to stay at the Fairmont. Mr. Gavin explained they have a young woman with them and would prefer not to share an apartment, but thanked you for the offer. He was most appreciative of the gesture.”

  Bentley nodded. “I never thought of that. Good call on Graham’s part. Make sure they have what they need, Sandy.”

  She pursed her lips, giving him the evil eye. “I’m ahead of you on that subject, young man. Frank will be at their disposal. I have arranged for flowers and fruit trays in their suites. The boardroom is booked exclusively for you while they are here. I’ve preordered catered lunches, and I’ve cleared your schedules to accommodate the visit.”

  Bent and Aiden grinned, and I chuckled. “As usual, Sandy, you have dispatched your duties admirably. Thank you.”

  With a smirk, she turned on her heel, leaving us alone.

  Aiden pushed the file my way. “Bent and I think you should run lead on this.”


  He nodded. “We’ll all be in on the decision, but we’re going on your recommendation.”

  “All I said was I liked this Richard guy. He sounded like a straight shooter, and their track record is impressive.”

  “Our thoughts exactly.”

  “I had a call from both the other companies this morning. Advance wants to do a video presentation instead of coming here, and Zip is open to whatever we want for an initial meeting.” I paused for a sip of coffee. “Both feel a body here isn’t necessary with today’s technology.”

  Bentley shrugged. “They’re right. It’s not, but I want it anyway. If I’m willing to pay for it, they should be willing to give it.”

  “We should listen to the other ideas at least.”

  “We will, but I’m not looking for a single campaign. If I like what they create for us, and how they operate, we could keep a person full time here with our marketing needs. Ridge Towers is a long-term thing, but we have the resort and other pokers in the fire.” Bent stroked his lip thoughtfully. “The one company that has seemed to grasp that concept is The Gavin Group.”

  “Richard told me he had an entire campaign thought out already.”

  “I’m looking forward to hearing it.”

  “How about I arrange for video conferences from the other two at the start of the week? So we have something to compare when we meet with The Gavin Group?”

  “Sounds good. Get Sandy to set it up.” Bentley stood. “I’m out for the day. I promised Emmy I’d be home early tonight. We have wedding shit to plan.”

  Aiden laughed. “Wedding shit? Is that the technical term?”

  Bent grinned. “Don’t tell her I said that. I can’t believe the details. I should have married her in Vegas like you did. Life would be simpler.”

  “You could fly down for the weekend.”

  Bent shook his head, a smile crossing his mouth. “No, if she wants a pretty wedding, she can have it. If I have to look at swatches and choose napkin designs to make her happy, so be it. It’s a small price to pay to have her for the rest of my life.”

  He left with a wave.

  Aiden and I shared a grin.

  “I forgot to ask. How’d the ring go over?”

  He smirked. “My wife was excited, shocked, and very . . . effusive in her thanks.” He winked. “Very effusive.”

  I held up my hand. “TMI, bro.”

  He grabbed his phone and laptop. “I have to stop and get flowers and wine. We’re going to dinner at Dee’s new apartment. She’s making fried chicken.”

  “I know. I was invited too.”

  He stopped. “Oh. I didn’t know.”

  “Dee was a little emotional about it and asked me to come join you.”

  “Emotional? Over fried chicken?”

  “Not over fried chicken, you idiot. She’s having her sister and husband for dinner. As guests. Then you’ll leave. I think it hit her how much life has changed. The fact that her little sister has a life of her own now. I’m going for support.”

  Aiden studied me, and I waved my hand, dismissing the thoughts I knew were going through his head. “Don’t read anything into it. She needed a friend, and I’m happy to be there.”

  “A friend.”

  “Yes,” I huffed, impatient. “A friend.”


  I stood. “A friend,” I stated firmly. “You might want to mention to your wife that her sister needs a little TLC right now. I know you and Cami are on the happy train, but Dee is left alone at the station. It’s an adjustment.”

  “One I am sure you’re happy to fill.”

  “Don’t be an asshole, Aiden. Dee is your family now too. Don’t forget her.”

  I walked out.

  I knocked on Dee’s door, frowning when she yelled for me to come inside. The air was pungent with the aroma of dinner, the scent of spicy chicken making me hungry. Dee was in the kitchen, sliding a tray of chicken into the oven as I rounded the corner.

  “You leave your door unlocked?”

  She arched an eyebrow, brushing her hair away from her forehead. She had a pretty bow in her hair, an unusually girlie thing for her to wear, yet it suited her. Escaping strands kept falling in her eyes, the kitchen heat making them stick to her skin. I tucked the strands under her bow and tapped the frilly accessory.

  “Pretty, by the way.”

  “Thanks. I knew you’d be coming soon, so I unlocked the door. I don’t have my fancy lock yet.”

  “Reid will be here on the weekend.”

  “Okay, thanks.” She sounded distracted.

  She turned, moving things on the counter.

  “Dinner smells wonderful.”

  “Hmm.” She continued to look around, lifting and setting down items, not accomplishing anything.

  “I brought wine.”

  “Good. Help yourself.”

  I frowned, setting the bottle on the counter. I glanced around the kitchen, realizing how chaotic it looked. I had seen Dee cook, been with her in the kitchen a few times at Bentley’s. She was organized and neat. Focused. Like me, she cleaned as she went.

  Today, it looked as if a bomb had gone off in the kitchen. There were streaks of flour on her face and splatters of food covered her apron. She was off. Distracted. Tense. Her thumb was red, and I knew she had been gnawing at it.

  Was she that worried over dinner with her sister? I wondered.

  I tested my theory.

  “I became vegan today. Could you do me a salad?”

  She opened a cupboard. “Sure.”

  I stepped behind her, covering her hand that was moving items around aimlessly on the shelf.


  She stilled.

  I wound my arm around her waist, pulling her body tight to mine. I lowered my mouth to her ear. “What are you doing?”

  “Ma-making dinner.”

  “Why are you so distracted?” I ran my hands up to her neck, feeling the stiffness in her shoulders. “What is making you so tense? It’s dinner.”

  Her voice was thick. “It’s her first dinner with me when she doesn’t live here. I want it to be perfect.”

  I held her close. “It’s Cami. She wants dinner with her sister. To feed her husband the best fried chicken he ever tasted. Zero expectations otherwise.” I nuzzled her neck. “You need to relax.”

  “I-I can’t seem to. I feel as if I’m going to explode!”

  “What can I do to help?” I slipped my hand under her apron and shirt to her soft skin. “Do I need to fuck you hard and fast to get you to relax?” I bit down on her lobe, tugging on it with my teeth. “Would that help?”

  “We don’t have time. They’ll be here in a few moments.”

  I plunged my hand down the front of her leggings, cupping her. “I know how to get you to calm down—fast.” I kissed her neck, swirling my tongue on her skin. “I know what you need, baby.” I s
lid my leg between hers, nudging them open. “Let me give it to you.”

  She whimpered as she pressed her head to my shoulder, lifting her arm, and wrapping it around my neck. “Please, Maddox.”

  I delved into her folds, finding her slick. “Oh, baby, you need me.”

  I flicked her clit, smiling against her neck as she jumped. “I’m going to make you come. Fast. Later, you’re going to return the favor. I want my cock down your throat, with those sweet lips wrapped around me, taking everything I give you, do you understand?”

  “Yes.” She strained against me. “Oh God, yes.”

  “Hold tight. We don’t have much time, and I want to feel you.”

  I found her bundle of nerves, using her slickness to glide over her clit in hard, fast strums of my fingers. She pulled on my neck and turned her face. I captured her mouth with mine, kissing her fiercely. She bucked as I slipped two fingers inside her, using my thumb to rub tight circles on her clit. My tongue and fingers moved in tandem as I fucked her mouth and pussy, bringing her to an orgasm as fast as I promised. She shattered, screaming into my mouth, her body spasming, her pussy drenched. I eased up, letting the aftershocks settle before removing my fingers from her body.

  As she watched, I drew my glistening digits into my mouth, licking them clean.

  “Best appetizer in the world.” I winked. “Dee.”

  She blinked up at me, offering me a lazy smile, her body relaxed. I kissed her nose. “Go get cleaned up. I’ll start in here, and when Cami and Aiden arrive, try to enjoy the evening. Okay?”

  She walked a few steps, then turned back, hurrying toward me. I was surprised when she rose up on her toes, flung her arms around my neck, and kissed me. “Thank you.”


  “After—you’ll stay for a while?”

  “Stay?” I asked, shocked. Dee never asked me to stay. I had never even seen her bedroom. Sex was always at my place. Then she left. That was how our relationship worked—even if I wanted it to be something different.

  “Stay. I owe you.”

  With a grin, I yanked her tight and kissed her. “You do. I look forward to collecting.” I pushed her away, swatting her ass as she hurried away. “Go. They’ll be here soon.”

  With a grin, I washed my hands, then turned to the mess in the kitchen. I needed to do something to take my mind off the way my cock screamed at me to follow Dee and fuck her fast before Aiden and Cami arrived. Logically, I knew we didn’t have time, regardless of how desperately I wanted to give in and do exactly that.