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Bentley: Vested Interest #1 Page 7
Bentley: Vested Interest #1 Read online
Page 7
Then, feeling uncharacteristically excited, I started to plan.
I glanced back at the screen and hit purchase. Maybe I couldn’t give it to her immediately, but if my plans held true, she’d be at my place and she could borrow the laptop. I could figure out a way of gifting it to her at another time. I waited until the confirmation came through, and I shut the screen.
“What should I get her?”
He shrugged. “How would I know?”
“You emphatically tell me I can’t give her a laptop, but have no suggestions what would be appropriate?”
I waved my hand. “Cliché.”
“She doesn’t wear perfume.” I knew that because I had asked her what fragrance she wore since her scent was intoxicating. She told me she only wore a body lotion she had made at a small place that specialized in blending unique fragrances. She wore a blend of honey and lilac that smelled incredible on her skin.
“Dee worked there years ago, and gets a discount. She gives me a bottle every year for Christmas. I make it last.”
I could buy her a couple bottles of it so she didn’t have to stretch it out, if I could find out the name of the shop, but that seemed too easy.
“Women like jewelry,” Maddox mused as he strolled in.
“What are you doing here?”
He grinned, throwing himself on the sofa. “Aiden called and said you were going overboard on a birthday gift for Emmy and I had to come help rein you in.”
“Like jewelry isn’t over the top?” I said in a snarky tone of voice. The laptop was a better idea.
“I’m not saying buy her diamonds, but what about something useful like a watch.”
Aiden shook his head. “Girls don’t wear watches anymore. They use their cellphones.”
“A bracelet? I think they like those leather bands. Sandy wears one with a bunch of charms. Panda something? Ask her.”
I groaned. “Neither of you are helpful.”
Maddox met my gaze. “None of us have much experience with this sort of thing.”
I huffed out a long blast of air, then sat up as I thought of an idea. “Wait. Emmy told me Cami works at some fashion store. She said she was meeting her today after work. If I could figure out what the store was, I could go and ask her for ideas. She’s her best friend. I bet she could help.”
“She didn’t say the name?”
I racked my brain. “Glad something?”
Aiden tapped away on his phone. “Glad Rags?”
Maddox stood. “Okay! Road trip! I call shotgun!”
Aiden flexed his muscles. “Look out Cami, here we come.”
Grabbing my jacket, I groaned and followed them out of the room. Perhaps, I should have done the shopping on my own. Or better yet, went with the laptop idea.
Entering the store, I knew I was right. The laptop would have been a much simpler. There were racks of clothes, displays of lingerie, and shelves of accessories. I could smell perfume and lotions. Plus, there were women.
They were all staring at us. Glancing around, I saw we were the only men in the place. “Umm . . . whose idea was this?”
Maddox and Aiden spoke in unison. “Yours.”
I raked a hand through my hair. “Shit. We should have just called.”
Aiden rolled his shoulders. “Too late, Romeo. Okay, we need a plan.”
“Find this Cami, ask the question, and get the fuck out of Dodge,” Maddox muttered. “Let’s divide and conquer.”
“No, safety in numbers,” I replied.
We moved forward. I was determined to find the manager, ask for Cami, and be done. We headed toward the counter and I made a beeline for an older woman, thinking she’d be the safest bet. Except when she looked up, her frank appraisal made me hesitate. When she licked her lips, I felt Maddox’s yank on my arm.
“Abort, abort,” he hissed. “Cougar.”
Like a well-oiled machine, we veered to the right, stopping in front of a pretty brunette with purple streaks at the ends of her hair, and sparkling green eye, and who looked amused.
Desperate, I gasped out the only thing I could think of. “Cami?” I asked, hoping she could direct me to her.
“You know her?”
“I am her.” She smirked. “Bentley.”
“You know who I am?”
“I do.”
Aiden pushed himself between us. “How?” he demanded.
Cami rolled her eyes, appraising him. Her gaze took in his form in a long, slow pass. He was casual today, his preferred rugged jeans, and tight T-Shirt showing off his muscles and ink. Her stare was open and frank, and even I felt the heat of her gaze. Aiden stood taller, his shoulders flexing under her scrutiny.
“Relax, Tree Trunk. My source is safe.”
I grinned at her use of Emmy’s nickname. Aiden grunted.
“Nice tattoos. They mean something?”
“Yes,” he snapped.
“Want to share?”
He crossed his arms over his massive chest and glared. “Not today.”
I was fascinated watching them. I had never seen Aiden so defensive with a woman. She wasn’t the least put out by his tone. If anything, it made her bolder.
She shrugged. “You can save it for another time, then. Perhaps when we’re alone. I look forward to your explanation.”
His only reply was another huff.
“What are you doing here?” she asked me, even though she was still looking at Aiden.
“Emmy’s birthday. I need a gift.”
“Do you always travel in a pack?”
“Pardon me?”
She met my gaze, her eyes dancing, and she played with a purple-colored curl. “Does it take three men to choose a gift?”
“Ah, well . . .”
“We’re headed to the gym after. We thought we’d take care of this first,” Maddox explained smoothly. It was a great cover.
“Right.” Her tone told me she didn’t buy it.
“I bought her something, but I was told it was inappropriate.”
She tore her gaze away from Aiden. I was surprised to see the splash of color on his cheeks and the intense expression on his face. I had never seen him look that way about a woman. I glanced between them. Was he attracted to her or annoyed?
Cami’s voice interrupted my thoughts.
“What did you get her? Some sort of racy lingerie?”
“Of course not!” I sputtered. “I bought her a laptop.”
“A laptop?”
“Hers is old. I thought I would replace it with something more functional.”
“Who told you it was inappropriate?”
I indicated Aiden, hopeful she would berate him about his opinion, tell me it was a great gift, and we could get the hell out of there. I could feel all the attention we were attracting, and I didn’t like it.
“At least one of you has some sense.”
“Well, since it appears I have been outvoted, I thought perhaps you could advise me.”
She bit her lip, trying not to show her amusement. “Emmy’s right. You are a bit overstuffed. So formal.”
Aiden’s lips twitched, and Maddox glanced away to hide his amusement. I ignored her overstuffed comment. “Can you help?”
“You want me to pick something?”
I was going to say yes, just to get it over with, but I changed my mind. “No, perhaps you could help me choose? Point me in the right direction?”
“Do you have any ideas at all?”
I had nothing. I was about to admit that when my eye caught the flutter of something behind her. A scarf moved in the breeze of the air conditioning, and I had an epiphany.
“She’s always cold. I noticed she wore a pretty shawl last night. Maybe she could use another one—something light and warm?”
Cami’s face changed from uncertain to happy. She beamed
at me—there was no other way to describe the way she smiled. Laying her hand on my arm, she nodded. “Perfect. Come with me.”
She led me to a display, Aiden and Maddox following behind. “These are cashmere and silk,” she explained. “Light, warm, and so luxurious. Emmy looks at them every time she comes in.”
“Why doesn’t she have one?”
Cami turned over the price tag. “They’re $450.00. Even with my discount, she couldn’t afford one,” she spoke softly. “Neither can I.”
I lifted the end of one, feeling the silkiness of the weave. “This will keep her warm?”
“Beautifully so. Yes.”
I lowered my head. “Will it offend her if I get her one?” I asked quietly.
Her bright eyes softened. “No, I don’t think so. She’ll be overwhelmed with any gift, but I know she’ll love it.”
“Which color?”
“She’d get most use of the black, probably.”
“I don’t want to give her what she needs. I want to give her something she wants.”
I could feel Aiden and Maddox staring at me.
“Blue is her favorite color.”
I nodded, because it was beautiful and the one I kept looking at. Bright blue, it reminded me of the tie I gave her. I liked how the blue looked on her.
“She’d like the blue one; although she would wear the black more.”
“I want both.”
Her eyes widened.
“I won’t tell her where I got it.”
She giggled, shaking her head. “You are too cute, aren’t you? She’ll know, Bentley. Trust me.”
“I’ll tell her they were on sale.”
“Like a BOGO!” Aiden piped up.
“A BOGO?” I asked.
“Buy one get one,” he explained. “It’s common sales terminology.”
“Thanks,” I stated dryly.
Maddox arched his eyebrow, peering over his glasses at Aiden.
“What?” he snapped.
“Just impressed with your shopping lingo.” Maddox grinned. “And I was checking to see if your vag was showing.”
“Fuck you, Mad Dog, ” Aiden growled, grabbing his crotch. “I’ll show you my vag, asshole. All nine inches of titanium.”
Maddox burst out laughing.
I rolled my eyes, even though I was used to them. Glancing at Cami, I mouthed, “Sorry.”
She only shook her head and chuckled. Although, I noticed her gaze lingered on Aiden’s crotch a few seconds too long. “You guys are funny.”
She turned to me. “You really want both?”
“Okay.” She agreed happily. “I’ll get those from the stock at the back. Would you like them wrapped?”
“Yes, please,” I responded, relieved. “I’ll give them to her on Tuesday. We’re having dinner.”
I had an idea. “Would you and your sister like to join us?”
She hesitated with a frown. “We wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“No, Aiden and Maddox are coming, too. Birthdays are meant to be celebrated, right?”
She studied me. “Have you discussed this with Emmy yet?”
“Ah, no. I wanted to surprise her.”
“Surprised everyone, I think,” Maddox mumbled.
“Where?” she asked.
Aiden spoke up. “The Taquito on Smythe.”
I shot him a glance. Mexican was his favorite, and he could eat vast amounts of it. He met my gaze steadily, challenging me to refuse, but knowing I couldn’t. I roped them into this, so he was picking the restaurant.
“You like Mexican?” Cami squealed. “That’s one of Emmy’s favorites!”
I gave in. If Emmy liked it, I was okay with it.
“So, you’ll come?”
It was a spur of the moment idea, but I realized a good one. I could see Emmy, get to know her friends, and celebrate her birthday. I knew, without a doubt, it was important for Cami and Dee to like me. Emmy could get to know Aiden and Maddox more, and I had a feeling Cami would enjoy getting to know Aiden. The thought of watching the two of them spar amused me. Maddox would come along because we were there, plus the added bonus of beer and tacos.
“Yes. We’ll come. What time?”
I handed her my phone. “Why don’t you give me your number and I’ll text you the information? I can have you picked up so you don’t have to worry about driving.”
She grinned as she took my phone. “Make it a fancy car, and you have yourself a deal.”
I laughed at her honest bluntness. I was surprised I didn’t find it offensive. In fact, it was somewhat charming.
Chapter 8
Emmy and I had texted and spoken on the phone several times over the weekend and Monday. I liked hearing her voice, and enjoyed the amusing stories she shared about her days. My stories were definitely less amusing, yet she listened to them, and I found I wanted to share with her. It was the first time, in many years, I could recall the desire to talk to someone outside my business in many years. Somehow, my day didn’t seem complete now without hearing her voice or at the least getting one of her funny text messages, silly emoji included.
I had told her Tuesday’s dinner would be casual, and there was no need to get dressed up. I explained I would pick her up after a meeting I had to attend ended. I casually mentioned the location, and when she told me it was right around the corner from Cami’s, where she would be studying, I suggested picking her up there, to save time.
Cami helped keep the evening a surprise. We arrived in a huge limo I had Frank arrange. Emmy’s eyes were huge when she came outside and saw the car. They grew larger when Cami and Dee came out and slid into the limo first, thrilled at the fact they had kept the secret hidden.
I bent down to meet Emmy’s confused gaze. “I thought you’d like to share the evening with your friends, as well.”
She beamed up at me, stretching on her toes to press a hard kiss to my mouth. I caught her around the waist, pulled her tight to me, and dropped a fast kiss on to her waiting lips. Even casual, she was lovely. Her hair fell in a heavy wave of golden wheat down her back, and I itched to feel its softness under my fingers again. She wore dark pants and a long-sleeved sweater in a pale pink tone. She had on a scarf of a deeper hue draped around her shoulders. She carried a large bag, and I knew without looking, it contained her small rucksack. From what she had said on our date, she never went anywhere without it.
“Hey, we’ve starving!” yelled Maddox, pounding on the roof. “Keep the PDA for later!”
She grinned against my mouth. “Maddox is here?”
“Aiden, too.”
“You just made Cami’s week.”
I slipped my fingers under her chin, and met her gaze. “I’m hoping I made yours, to be honest.”
She grinned as she listened to the pop of the cork from the champagne I had waiting and the merriment inside the car. She kissed me again. “You already did.”
We were grinning as we entered the car.
I glanced around the table, inwardly shaking my head. If someone had told me a week ago, I’d be sitting in a Mexican restaurant, wearing a sombrero Aiden insisted we all doff as part of the birthday celebrations, drinking Margaritas, kissing a pretty girl, and enjoying myself, I would have told them they were crazy.
Yet, there I was.
Emmy’s friends were hard to resist. The three of them were so different in appearance and personalities, yet there was a common bond between them. Emmy was quietly pretty with her bohemian style, while Cami’s looks were more flamboyant with her darker color and bright highlights. Dee was sedate and classy, her look polished and professional. Cami was droll, her wit and sarcasm equal to Emmy’s. Listening to the two of them was like a ping pong match, and at times, my sides hurt from laughing so hard. I couldn’t remember feeling that carefree. Dee was quieter, and obviously the mother figure, but she held her
own. The affection they had for Emmy was unmistakable, and she clearly felt the same. They were to her what Maddox and Aiden were to me: family.
Aiden was mesmerized, caught in Cami’s spell. Somehow, when we sat down, we ended up like couples, and that was how the evening progressed. Maddox and Dee seemed to have hit it off; their heads often bowed toward each other as they conversed. She was older than he was, but by how much I wasn’t sure. Maddox was always the most mature of us, and they seemed to bond together.
Something about those three women seemed to draw us all out of ourselves. It was as if they breathed life into our little bubble, expanding it with their joy. The laughter was constant, the teasing never ending, and the jokes grew worse as the tequila flowed. Emmy and I started sipping water about halfway through dinner, but the rest of them carried on. Luckily, no one was losing control—or at least, they hadn’t yet.
When the birthday cake arrived, we all sang happy birthday. Emmy’s eyes filled with tears she blinked away before blowing out her candles. Cami had told me Emmy’s favorite cake was vanilla with white frosting and she loved flowers decorating her cake, so that was exactly what she got. After cake, a small pile of presents appeared, and once again, I watched Emmy struggle to hide her emotions. Cami and Dee gave her a book of homemade vouchers for things she loved. Aiden and Maddox each got her a gift certificate for a different store. I held my breath as she opened her shawl. I’d had Cami wrap each one separately, and I planned to give her the other one when we were alone.
She fingered the rich weave of the black shawl, not saying anything. I swallowed nervously, looking toward Cami.
Had I made a mistake?
She shook her head, biting her lip as she watched Emmy.
“You can exchange it,” I assured her. “Pick something you like.”
Her eyes met mine, glossy and radiant. “There isn’t anything I could pick I would like better.”
“Why did you buy this for me?”
“Because it’s beautiful and warm. Like you.”