Vested Interest Box Set: Books 1-3 Page 7
“Why?” he asked, as Aiden began to shake his head.
“I’m taking your car and Emmy and I are leaving. You go with Aiden.”
“Not a good idea,” Aiden growled.
I turned to him and spoke in a hushed voice. “No one is following. I want some time alone to say goodnight to my date.”
His eyebrows rose, and he nodded in understanding. “I’m driving ahead and checking it out. I won’t be far away.”
“Just give me some privacy.”
“I don’t like this, Bent.”
“I don’t care.”
“Stubborn bastard.”
Emmy spoke up. “Tree Trunk, he wants to kiss me without you watching. If anyone comes at us, I know karate.”
We all gaped at her. Maddox started to guffaw and turned away to hide his amusement.
Aiden looked at her. “What color belt do you have?”
She blinked at him. “Okay, I’m totally bullshitting you. I have no idea, but I can yell loudly, and I think Bentley can handle himself. Frankly, I want to kiss him, too.”
It was Aiden’s turn to blink. Maddox pressed his keys into my hand and winked. “Good luck with this one. She’s a firecracker.” He pulled on Aiden’s arm. “Let’s go.”
I grabbed Emmy’s rucksack for her. They piled into the car, turning to watch while I held open the door for Emmy and helped her with the seatbelt. As I bent in, she grinned up at me.
“You better make this kiss worthwhile,” she teased. “I went against the hulk for you.”
I lowered my face to hers, feeling her breath on my skin. “It will be. I promise.”
“I’m counting on it. Take me home, Rigid.”
I slammed her door and hurried to the driver’s side. Suddenly, her tiny apartment held great appeal.
I was a perfect gentleman until Emmy opened her door, and I followed her inside. She had left one lamp on, its glow casting a dim radiance on the room. For a moment, we stared at each other, then like mirror images, crashed together. I gripped her waist as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Our mouths met with a bruising ferociousness that startled and exhilarated me. There was no reticence in Emmy’s response—she gave as good as she got. I groaned low in my chest as her tongue touched mine—stroking, tasting, and exploring. Her blunt nails scraped the skin on my nape, making me hiss in pleasure. I traced her curves, feeling the delicate bumps and ridges of her spine, then settled my hands on her truly spectacular ass. I cupped the roundness greedily, and pulled her tight to my body, so she had no doubt what she was doing to me.
She whimpered, letting me lift her so her legs could wrap around my hips, her skirt trailing on the floor. Turning, I pressed her into the wall, trapping her close as I explored her mouth. I dragged my lips down her cheek, murmuring her name, discovering the softness of her neck, swirling my tongue on her fragrant skin. It had been beckoning me all night.
“Bentley,” she groaned. “You . . . I . . .”
I dropped my face to her shoulder, breathing hard. What was this girl doing to me? I wanted her. I wanted to carry her over to the little futon and fuck her. Drive her deep into the mattress until she cried out my name. Feel the heat that radiated through her skirt encase my cock, until I came inside her in a blaze of intensity.
Except, it was too fast.
Gently, I set her on her feet, kissed her cheeks, the end of her nose, and forehead with soft presses of my mouth. “You’re amazing,” I murmured.
She looked at me, her eyes wide and dark with desire. Her lips were swollen from mine, and I had messed up her hair, so it tumbled down one shoulder. I liked how she looked.
I traced the edges of her mouth. “Did I make it worthwhile?”
An indulgent, lazy smile curled her lips. “Pretty much.”
“Not a stellar recommendation.”
“Maybe you need to try again. Redouble your efforts.”
I crashed my mouth to hers, yanking her hard to my chest. Wrapping her hair in my hand, I tilted her head and kissed her, controlling every movement, commanding her mouth. She melted into me, succumbing in the most erotic of ways, following my lead and matching my passion.
With a groan, I dragged my mouth to her ear. “I have to stop, or I won’t be able to.”
“Maybe I don’t want you to.”
I stood straight, meeting her gaze. It was open, honest, and steady.
“We don’t have to rush. I’m not going anywhere.”
A shadow crossed her face, but she nodded and stepped back. I felt the shift in her, a small wall coming back between us at my simple words.
“Hey,” I said. “Emmy, what is it?”
She smiled, although it didn’t reach her eyes. “Nothing. Really.”
I let it go. We could revisit it at another time. However, it was imperative I see her again.
“I’m sorry?”
“Sunday. Brunch,” I stated. “Aiden will pick you up at eleven.”
Her eyebrow rose slowly in question. I waited for her response, then realized my mistake.
“I apologize. I did it again, didn’t I?”
She nodded, looking amused and exasperated.
“Emmy, would you have brunch with me on Sunday?”
“As tempting as the kind offer is, I have to refuse.”
My shoulders sagged, as disappointment flooded my body. “Why? Was the date that lousy? I promise not to talk about anything work-related.”
“No,” she assured me, cupping my cheek. “The date was amazing. Sunday, though, I’m having brunch with Dee and Cami.”
“They get you all the time.”
She chuckled at my petulance. “It’s an important day for them. I promised.”
“Important? How?”
“It just is.”
“I was going to make you coddled eggs.”
“What is that?”
“An old English thing. My father used to make them for my mother when I was young. Sandy grew up eating them and taught me how to make them correctly. They are one thing I can cook that is edible. Trust me; they’re worth blowing off your friends for.”
“Maybe next week?”
“What is so important?” I pushed. I really wanted to see her again. “Couldn’t they wait until next week?”
She sighed. “You are impatient at times, aren’t you?”
“When I want something, yes.”
“It’s my birthday on Tuesday. They take me to brunch the Sunday before—it’s our tradition.”
Aiden shook his head. “Bad idea.”
“You’ve had one date with her, and you want to buy her a three-thousand-dollar laptop for her birthday?”
I shrugged. “I buy shit like this all the time.”
“For yourself. You’re used to it. It’s too much.”
I stared at the screen. It was the perfect laptop for Emmy. Small, light, easy for her to carry, and it was loaded with every feature she would need. She had told me about her studies for graphic design, and how she often used the computers at school since hers was so old. It would make her life easier, and her rucksack lighter. Surely, she would appreciate the gesture.
I had been surprised when she told me it was her birthday. Aiden hadn’t mentioned it, and I hadn’t thought to ask him the date when we talked. I could understand she wanted to see her friends for their usual get together, but I also wanted to celebrate her birthday with her. Finally, she agreed to have dinner with me on Tuesday, and once again, I promised her a comfortable place.
Then, feeling uncharacteristically excited, I started to plan.
I glanced back at the screen and hit purchase. Maybe I couldn’t give it to her immediately, but if my plans held true, she’d be at my place, and she could borrow the laptop. I could figure out a way of gifting it to her at another time. I waited until the confirmation came through, and I shut the laptop.
“What should I get her?”
He shrugged. “How would I
“You emphatically tell me I can’t give her a laptop, but have no suggestions what would be appropriate?”
I waved my hand. “Cliché.”
“She doesn’t wear perfume.” I knew that because I had asked her what fragrance she wore since her scent was intoxicating. She told me she wore a body lotion she had made at a small place that specialized in combining unique fragrances. She wore a blend of honey and lilac that smelled incredible on her skin.
“Dee worked there years ago, and gets a discount. She gives me a bottle every year for Christmas. I make it last.”
I could buy her a couple of bottles of the lotion, so she didn’t have to stretch it out, if I could find out the name of the shop, but that seemed too easy.
“Women like jewelry,” Maddox mused, as he strolled in.
“What are you doing here?”
He grinned, throwing himself on the sofa. “Aiden called and said you were going overboard on a birthday gift for Emmy and I had to come help rein you in.”
“Like jewelry isn’t over the top?” I said in a snarky tone of voice. The laptop was a better idea.
“I’m not saying buy her diamonds, but what about something useful like a watch.”
Aiden shook his head. “Girls don’t wear watches anymore. They use their cellphones.”
“A bracelet? I think they like those leather bands. Sandy wears one with a bunch of charms. Panda something? Ask her.”
I groaned. “Neither of you are helpful.”
Maddox met my gaze. “None of us have much experience with this sort of thing.”
I huffed out a long blast of air, then sat up as I thought of an idea. “Wait. Emmy told me Cami works at some fashion store. She said she was meeting her today after work. If I could figure out what the store was, I could go and ask her for ideas. She’s her best friend. I bet she could help.”
“She didn’t say the name?”
I racked my brain. “Glad something?”
Aiden tapped away on his phone. “Glad Rags?”
Maddox stood. “Okay. Road trip—I call shotgun!”
Aiden flexed his muscles. “Look out Cami, here we come.”
Groaning, I grabbed my jacket, and followed them out of the room. Perhaps, I should have done the shopping on my own.
Or better yet, went with the laptop idea.
Entering the store, I knew I was right. The laptop would have been much simpler. There were racks of clothes, displays of lingerie, and shelves of accessories. I could smell perfumes and lotions. Plus, there were women.
They were all staring at us—the only men in the place. “Umm . . . whose idea was this?”
Maddox and Aiden spoke in unison. “Yours.”
I raked a hand through my hair. “Shit. We should have just called.”
Aiden rolled his shoulders. “Too late, Romeo. Okay, we need a plan.”
“Find this Cami, ask the question, and get the fuck out of Dodge,” Maddox muttered. “Let’s divide and conquer.”
“No, safety in numbers,” I replied.
We moved forward. I was determined to find the manager, ask for Cami, and be done. We headed toward the counter, and I made a beeline for an older woman, thinking she’d be the safest bet. Except when she looked up, her frank appraisal made me hesitate. When she licked her lips, I felt Maddox’s yank on my arm.
“Abort, abort,” he hissed. “Cougar.”
Like a well-oiled machine, we veered to the right, stopping in front of a pretty brunette with purple streaks at the ends of her hair, sparkling green eyes, and who looked amused.
Desperate, I gasped out the one word I could think of. “Cami?” I asked, hoping she could direct me to her.
“You know her?”
“I am her.” She smirked. “Bentley.”
“You know who I am?”
“I do.”
Aiden pushed himself between us. “How?” he demanded.
Cami rolled her eyes, appraising him. Her gaze took in his form in a long, slow pass. He was casual today, his preferred rugged jeans, and tight T-Shirt showing off his muscles and ink. Her stare was open and frank, and even I felt the heat of her gaze. Aiden stood taller, his shoulders flexing under her scrutiny.
“Relax, Tree Trunk. My source is safe.”
I grinned at her use of Emmy’s nickname. Aiden grunted.
“Nice tattoos. They mean something?”
“Yes,” he snapped.
“Want to share?”
He crossed his arms over his massive chest and glared. “Not today.”
I was fascinated watching them. I had never seen Aiden so defensive with a woman. She wasn’t the least put out by his tone. If anything, it made her bolder.
She shrugged. “You can save it for another time then, perhaps when we’re alone. I look forward to your explanation.”
His only reply was another huff.
“What are you doing here?” she asked me, even though she was still looking at Aiden.
“Emmy’s birthday. I need a gift.”
“Do you always travel in a pack?”
“Pardon me?”
She met my gaze, her eyes dancing, and she played with a purple-colored curl. “Does it take three men to choose a gift?”
“Ah, well . . .”
“We’re headed to the gym after we’re done here. We thought we’d take care of this first,” Maddox explained smoothly. It was a great cover.
Her tone told me she didn’t buy it. I cleared my throat.
“I bought her something, but I was told it was inappropriate.”
She tore her gaze away from Aiden. I was surprised to see the splash of color on his cheeks and the intense expression on his face. I had never seen him look that way with a woman. I glanced between them. Was he attracted to her or annoyed? I couldn’t decide.
Cami’s voice interrupted my thoughts.
“What did you get her? Some sort of racy lingerie?”
“Of course not!” I sputtered. “I bought her a laptop.”
“A laptop?”
“Hers is old. I thought I would replace it with something more functional.”
“Who told you it was inappropriate?”
I indicated Aiden, hopeful she would berate him about his opinion, tell me it was a great gift, and we could get the hell out of the store. I could feel all the attention we were attracting, and I didn’t like it.
“At least one of you has some sense.”
“Well, since it appears I have been outvoted, I thought perhaps you could advise me.”
She bit her lip, trying not to show her amusement. “Emmy’s right. You are a bit overstuffed. So formal.”
Aiden’s lips twitched, and Maddox glanced away to hide his amusement. I ignored her overstuffed comment. “Can you help?”
“You want me to pick something?”
I was going to say yes, just to get it over with, but I changed my mind. “No, perhaps you could help me choose? Point me in the right direction?”
“Do you have any ideas at all?”
I had nothing. I was about to admit that when my eye caught the flutter of something behind her. A scarf moved in the breeze of the air conditioning, and I had an epiphany.
“She’s always cold. I noticed she wore a pretty shawl last night. Maybe she could use another one—something light and warm?”
Cami’s face changed from uncertain to happy. She beamed at me—there was no other way to describe the way she smiled. Laying her hand on my arm, she nodded. “Perfect. Come with me.”
She led me to a display, Aiden and Maddox following behind. “These are cashmere and silk,” she explained. “Light, warm, and so luxurious. Emmy looks at them every time she comes in.”
“Why doesn’t she have one?”
Cami turned over
the price tag. “They’re $450.00. Even with my discount, she couldn’t afford one,” she spoke softly. “Neither can I.”
I lifted the end of one, feeling the silkiness of the weave. “This will keep her warm?”
“Beautifully so. Yes.”
I lowered my head. “Will it offend her if I get her one?” I asked quietly.
Her bright eyes softened. “No, I don’t think so. She’ll be overwhelmed with any gift, but I know she’ll love it.”
“Which color?”
“She’d get most use of the black, probably.”
“I don’t want to give her what she needs. I want to give her something she wants.”
I could feel Aiden and Maddox staring at me.
“Blue is her favorite color.”
I nodded because it was beautiful and the one I kept looking at due to its intense color. Bright and bold, it reminded me of the tie I gave her. I liked how the blue looked on her.
“She’d like the blue one; although, she would wear the black more.”
“I want both.”
Her eyes widened.
“I won’t tell her where I got them.”
She giggled, shaking her head. “You are too cute, aren’t you? She’ll know, Bentley. Trust me.”
“I’ll tell her they were on sale.”
“Like a BOGO!” Aiden piped up.
“A BOGO?” I asked.
“Buy one get one,” he explained. “It’s common sales terminology.”
“Thanks,” I stated dryly.
Maddox arched his eyebrow, peering over his glasses at Aiden.
“What?” he snapped.
“Just impressed with your shopping lingo.” Maddox grinned. “And I was checking to see if your vag was showing.”
“Fuck you, Mad Dog,” Aiden growled, grabbing his crotch. “I’ll show you my vag, asshole. All nine inches of titanium.”
Maddox burst out laughing.
I rolled my eyes, even though I was used to them. Glancing at Cami, I mouthed, “Sorry.”
She shook her head and chuckled. Although, I noticed her gaze lingered on Aiden’s crotch a few seconds too long.
“You guys are funny.” She turned to me. “You really want both of them?”
“Okay.” She agreed happily. “I’ll get those from the stock at the back. Would you like them wrapped?”